If you want to support the terran movement, you can find information on how and where you can become active and spread the idea here.
You can use the contact form to write us if you want to be informed about our planned activities.
Our whole team works on a voluntary basis. But for the maintenance of the website, for materials like stickers or posters and the campaign work we have running costs. We would be very happy if you support us and the terran movement with a donation, once or on a regular basis.
Donate directly to our donation account:
Donation account: terran e.V.
Bank: GLS Gemeinschaftsbank
IBAN: DE 5743 0609 6710 3536 7801
Since we are a non-profit organization, your donation is tax deductible. We will gladly issue a donation receipt – in this case, please include your address in the reason for payment, otherwise we will not be able to contact you.
Online donation
For online transfers of money we use the donation platform Please note the following…[mehr]
You will receive the receipt for your donations to our association via Like our association, is recognized as a non-profit organization and forwards the money you donate to us. Even if the money goes to terran e.V., only is authorized to issue the donation receipt. You will receive your donation receipt automatically at the beginning of the following calendar year. The donation receipt contains all donations made in the calendar year. If you want to receive a donation receipt directly from us, we ask you to make your donation to the above mentioned donation account at GLS Bank by manual transfer from your account. Please include your address in the reason for payment, otherwise we will not be able to contact you.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us!