What could a better future look like? For our society, terran travel has become a matter of course. Families are planning their vacations by train. Long-distance business trips have largely been replaced by state-of-the-art video conferencing. There are online providers who suggest the fastest and cheapest terran travel route. With one click, a terran trip is booked – simple and straightforward. After graduating from school, you want really to take a long-haul jet to Australia to work and travel? That used to be hip. Today, it’s all about discovering your surroundings first – volunteer work in Switzerland, rafting in France, wine harvesting in Portugal. Or take the Trans-Siberian Railway to Asia. And then let’s see. It was a long time ago that it was normal to fly to Budapest or Milan for a weekend – now it’s so 2017. And sometimes, we consciously take a lot of time and visit our relatives and friends in the wide world.
- We spread the concept of travelling terran.
- We activate people to get involved with the terran movement – in their private lives and at work.
- Through our platform, we give people the opportunity to embrace the terran lifestyle, for networking and to contributing their own ideas.
- We educate and inform about the climatic effects of aviation.
- We are active ourselves, not only to dream, but to work on future images in real terms.
The Association
The German association “terran e.V.” was founded in 2019. We are currently about 15 active members who work on a voluntary basis – among us are scientists, marketing experts, social workers and documentary filmmakers. The association is the main German project partner of the worldwide network “stay grounded”, which bundles movements for the reduction of air traffic. Since autumn 2020, there is also a terran association in Switzerland.

Researcher and project manager in the field of heat transition
There are many ways of being on the move that bring us a gain in time and quality of life and lead to special encounters. Living terran decelerates, protects the climate and maybe slows down some things, but that's what is special and leads to the time gain and what I want to demonstrate and bring to others!

Environmental scientist and student in acting
"I am moved by positivity. ...However, given the extent of (environmental) destruction on this planet, that's not always so easy. Often I feel paralyzed and repressed. Against this, the concept of 'terran' helps me: seeing opportunities in reduction and combining conscious consumption with fun."

Filmaker of "Weit.“
"Being on the move terran means once again taking time to acknowledge the journey also as destination. In our much too fast-paced world, this brings rest and slow movement."

Works in paediatric oncology
"I live in the middle of the aviation capital Frankfurt, Germany; here it often seems to me as if for most people flying is "the most natural thing in the world". With my commitment to “terran e.V.”, I would like to contribute to questioning this idea of normality, and to draw attention to the fact that few people fly a lot, yet that the consequences have a great impact on many people!"

Environmental psychologist
"Together we can change the world for the better – being terran on the move is a great and enriching opportunity for me to start with myself."

Consultant for development cooperation
"I can't do my job without non-terran business trips – but I try to switch to video conferencing wherever possible. It also gives me more free time and less stress of traveling. At the same time, I like to fly – but only with a paraglider."

Geophysicist and director of 'Anderswo'.
"We humans can only fully imagine something if we have experienced it. No door opens from imagination alone. Yes, what else can you do: to make. The future only comes into being through successful relationships and communication."

Marketing staff
"I've been living terran since 2014, I have discovered that traveling terran is not only climate-friendly, but also a much greater pleasure."

Research Associate Energy System Analysis
"To be able to reach the climate protection goals of Paris, a lot has to change. Everyone can make a big step by being conscious about their choice of mode of transportation. With “terran” I see the chance to create awareness for this and activate people to contribute to climate protection."

Filmmaker of „Weit.“
"Through our cinema success 'WEIT' we bear responsibility: many people were inspired to travel by the documentary. With “terran”, I want to emphasize again how important it is to think about the climate while traveling!"

IT employee in a transport company
"I haven't flown for several years. It is important to me to create awareness that there are often alternative and exciting ways of traveling. I want mobility to remain possible for future generations."

Renewable Energy Engineer
"Many small people, in many small places, doing many small things, can change the face of the world."
(from Africa)